Eighth graders Jacob Williams (L) and Mandarin student Antonio Vargas (R) participate in the “Chopstick Pickup” activity.
(L-R) Mandarin teachers Helen Du, Yuhong Jia, and Frances Fremont-Smith pose for a group photo before the festivities take off.
Mandarin teacher Yuhong Jia helps to oversee the festivities.
Meera Gandhi ’26 tries her hand at calligraphy as her fellow juniors look on, including (L-R) Livvy Avignojn, Sheina Registre, and Edward Flint.
Mandarin student Ryan Hurst ’25 dances with ribbons as attendees venture in.
Mandarin student Charlotte Hurley ’27 runs the “Snake Danglies” booth.
Katherine Huang ’26 leads in a group of sixth-graders as they arrive at the Temple Fair.
Mandarin student Max Birnbaum ’26 spins the “Wheel-of-Fortune” at the Temple Fair.
Juniors Rubelys Gonzalez, Mandarin student Maya Thompson, and Ruelys Gonzalez enjoy some downtime at the Temple Fair.
Christoph Kasper ’25 enjoys the “Forward Toss YoYo” activity.
Mandarin student Sebastian Demeter ’25 welcomes attendees at the entrance.
The community celebrated its seventh annual Temple Fair today, attended by students and teachers in all divisions.