The Gator is the official student news site of Brimmer and May School, an independent, pre-K-12 school located in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. Brimmer and May is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) and is a member of the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS), which in 2011 designated Brimmer and May as a “School of the Future.” In addition, it is a member of the Association of Independent Schools in New England (AISNE), Coalition of Essential Schools (CES), the Independent Curriculum Group (ICG), and the National Center for Independent School Renewal (NCISR). A
ll content appearing on this site is produced by the staff of The Gator.
Mission statement
The Gator aims to engage and inform the wider community while embracing new and emerging 21st-century communication tools. All the while, we are fully committed to honoring and honing time-tested journalism skills.
The 2024-2025 Editorial Board pledges that The Gator will carry out the following:
- Provide a space for students to amplify their peers’ stories and share their own voices
- Be an agent of community cohesion amid conflict and uncertain times
- Engage the community in new topics driven by student interest
- Foster leadership and independence in young writers
A Brief History of The Gator Newsroom
Read an excerpt from the Spring 2021 Edition of the Brimmer Magazine, penned by Adviser David Cutler.
Policies and Standards
We strive for accurate, in-depth journalism, but mistakes happen—even at The New York Times. Please contact the newsroom if you notice errors that warrant correcting. We will review your message and, if appropriate, make the correction and note the change at the bottom of the post.
Editorial policy
The newsroom retains complete and independent control over all content and editorial decisions. Readers are encouraged to submit questions, concerns, or comments, which The Gator may publish.
News writers are not involved in the writing, production, or editing of any editorials, which do not necessarily reflect the viewpoints of the entire newsroom. The editorial board—save for the news editor—manages all aspects of the editorial writing process. This helps to ensure a productive and ethical newsroom. Moreover, to foster credibility, news writers are not allowed to write opinion pieces about the School or School-related events.
Contact the Newsroom
Please use this form to submit a letter-to-the-editor, a correction, news tip, or suggestion.