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The student news site of Brimmer and May School | Chestnut Hill, MA

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The student news site of Brimmer and May School | Chestnut Hill, MA

The Gator

The student news site of Brimmer and May School | Chestnut Hill, MA

The Gator


Leni Hicks-Dutt 23 starts a new 12th-grade tradition at the School.
Leni Hicks-Dutt '23 Leads Community Mural Painting
Edan Zinn, Outgoing Editor-in-Chief • September 21, 2022
Over several months, Leni Hicks-Dutt '23 planned and painted the inaugural 12th-grade mural.
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Jeff Gates teaches a physical education class in the late 1990s.
After Nearly Three Decades, Athletic Director Jeff Gates Retires
Grace Papas, Outgoing Executive Editor • May 31, 2022
Past and current students, teachers, and peers share reflections on a man who dedicated his career to education and scholastic athletics.
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Collage by Martin Maynard 22.
Alumni Basketball Players Bring in the Heat
Edan Zinn, Brian Gamble, Nico Jaffer, and Martin Maynard May 17, 2022
On Saturday, the School invited alumni Basketball players back to campus to play in the first-ever Alumni Game.
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The climate crisis is a human crisis. Photo illustration purchased at BigStock.com.
Op-Ed: Environmental Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Evan Michaeli, Outgoing Editor • May 6, 2022
Politicians seem to push for a greener world, but their actions don’t say so.
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Kass performs as Heche in Trap last fall. Photo by Oxygen Group Photography
Theatre Is My Sport
Marlie Kass, Outgoing Arts Editor • March 1, 2022
Despite the mental and physical stamina it requires, theatre is overlooked in comparison to traditional physical activities.
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A residential building in Ukraines capital city, Kyiv, suffered a missile attack by Russian forces. Photo courtesy of BigStock.
As a Russian-American, I Stand With Ukraine
Natalie Kozhemiakin, Outgoing Editor-in-Chief • February 26, 2022
Over 30 years after Ukraine’s declaration of its sovereignty, there is no question of whether or not the nation should have authority over its territory.
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What makes a good climber isn’t the ability to be fearless or never make mistakes. It’s to keep climbing even when you’re scared and think you can’t continue.
My Rock Climbing Journey
Amelia Bowman, Editor-in-Chief • February 17, 2022
I've been rock climbing since I was about three years old, and I've found it to be a challenging sport that deserves more respect than it gets.
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Photo illustration of a student doodling during class, which some teachers allow but some ban.
Op-Ed: School Policies and Learning Differences
Amelia Bowman and Polly Zimmerman December 7, 2021
It is the responsibility of schools to accommodate students' academic needs.
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Nelson coaches athletes in the 2018 basketball season. Photo courtesy of David Barron.
Nelson's Lasting Record of Success in Varsity Basketball
Brian Gamble, Outgoing Managing Editor • November 18, 2021
For over a decade, Nelson has worked tirelessly to cultivate the talents of dedicated student-athletes.
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Ending Quarter One on a Positive Note
Ending Quarter One on a Positive Note
Zakkai Mares-Van Praag, Journalist • November 10, 2021
Students and faculty recall their proudest moments as the first quarter of the school year comes to an end.
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While October 15 marks the end of Hispanic and Latinx Heritage Month, the national celebration of culture extends far beyond 30 days.
Life and Zeal: Reflections on National Hispanic and Latinx Heritage Month
Natalie Kozhemiakin, Outgoing Editor-in-Chief • October 15, 2021
While October 15 marks the end of Hispanic and Latinx Heritage Month, the national celebration of culture extends far beyond 30 days.
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Nielsen dunks at a Mass Rivals game. Illustration by Jackson Ostrowski 23.
Quinn Nielsen '23: Shooting Hoops at 6'10"
Nico Jaffer, Outgoing Sports Editor • September 29, 2021
While the Varsity I basketball player has already received offers from several NCAA Division I colleges, he hasn't made a decision quite yet.
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Kieran Cross 23 (front) and Jack Nathanson 23 play the guitar during a rehearsal. You can tell that everyone put in the effort this year to be able to play during COVID times, and I am grateful for having it at all this year, Cross said.
Photo Essay: Band Improvises During COVID-19
Edan Zinn, Outgoing Editor-in-Chief • May 27, 2021
The Upper School Ensemble took on the challenge of making music despite restrictions due to the pandemic.
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Christa Katsenes (from left) sits alongside her mother and older siblings.
To Foster Perseverance, Look To The Past
Natalie Kozhemiakin, Outgoing Editor-in-Chief • May 12, 2021
Christa Katsenes' life struggles are full of lessons for young people today, and she demonstrates the importance of perseverance, courage, and kindness.
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Me playing soccer during my sophomore year.
Op-Ed: Outgoing Editor-in-Chief Reflects on Life's Transitions
Karly Hamilton May 7, 2021
My time at Brimmer has made me who I am today.
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The student news site of Brimmer and May School | Chestnut Hill, MA