Photos: Week in Review
Sita Alomran, Photographer
December 12, 2018
Miles Best ’20 and Sade Latinwo ’20 working on their English project. Photo by Sita Alomran ’19.
Henry Ngo ’19 working in the STEAM lab with LED lights. Photo by Sita Alomran ’19.
Michelle Levinger ’19 working on her Mandarin project. Photo by Sita Alomran ’19.
Angeline Dervisevic ’21 working on her French homework. Photo by Sita Alomran ’19.
Sylvia Welch ’19 working on English annotations. Photo by Sita Alomran ’19.
Kitty Huang ’21 discussing voice edits for GNN with classmate Michelle Levinger ’19. Photo by Sita Alomran ’19.
Seniors wearing festive outfits. Photo by Sita Alomran ’19.
“Get things in on time. I rushed towards the end and I didn’t get things done on time. Being on top of things will hep a lot for senior year. College counseling helped give me advice on where to apply and narrowing done my list of schools.” -Sam Eigerman ’19