Photos: Upper School Camp

Edan Zinn, Outgoing Editor-in-Chief

Over 150 Upper School students spent time at Camp Wingate*Kirkland at Cape Cod, cementing bonds for the 2019-2020 academic year.

From kayaking to mini-golfing, paddle-boarding, to a high-ropes course, campers enjoyed their time together.

“It was epic,” Michael Young ’23 said. “As a new student, the experience was welcoming.”

Students also enjoyed s’mores around a cozy campfire.

  • Grace Papas ’23, Hebe Qiang ’23, and Zak Adler ’23 roast marshmallows at the school-wide campfire to conclude the eventful day.

  • Brian Gamble ’23 and Brian Barrera ’22 compete in an intense game of Gaga Ball.

  • Zak Adler ’23 and Daniel Murray ’23 put their focus on a game of tetherball.

  • Marlie Kass ’23, Grace Kandiah ’23 have fun playing tetherball in the afternoon sun.

  • Kat Klacko ’21 and Molly McHugh ’21 play a fun game of tetherball.

  • Marianne Alagos ’21 and Ayanna Jefferson ’22 go for a stroll around camp.

  • Sylvia Tejada ’23, Elisabeth Ellervik ’23, Tahina Triaz-Lizama ’22, and Behare Goshime ’22 explore Camp after lunchtime.

  • Owen Williams ’23 is hard at work preparing for basketball season.

  • Harrison Teschke and Quinton Nsamba ’22 cheer Tristan Durocher ’21 on as he takes a shot on the court.

  • Emma Guevara, Ariella Heffron, Brian Gamble, and Kaylee Little ’23 hang out on the basketball court.

  • Kaylee Little ’23 has her game face on as she serves to Ugo Adiele ’23.

  • Brian Barrera ’22, Emma Guevara ’23, Ariella Heffron ’23, and Kaylee Little ’23 challenge each other to a game of foursquare.

  • Campers Tahina Triaz-Lizama ’22, Sylvia Tejada ’23, Behare Goshime ’22, Jayden Okorougo ’22, and Harrison Teschke ’22 watch their classmates shoot hoops during free time.

  • Members of the Class of 2023 pose at Camp in 2019. This year will mark the class’s first time back at Camp since COVID-19 hit.

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  • Eleanor Reyelt ’23 and Talia Hammer ’23 support their teammates on Team Red playing dodgeball.

  • Madeline Hsiao ’23 and Alexander Kirby ’23 show team spirit on Team Purple.

  • Ugo Adiele ’23 and Owen Williams ’23 cheer for the Green team during Color War. Their mascot is Donkey from the Shrek franchise.

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