Students Dress Wacky for Spirit Week

Edan Zinn, Outgoing Editor-in-Chief

Lead by Upper School Senate President Stephen Moreno Jimenez ’20, students and teachers embraced Spirit Week, leading into Saturday’s Homecoming.

The shortened week with Indigenous People’s Day and the PSATs didn’t stop the community from embracing Gator pride.

Tuesday, from duck-patterned flannel pajamas to red Santa costumes, the community got a kick out of this fun day.

  • After Greenline, Choir Director Scott Koven and Zak Adler ’23 chat in their pajamas.

  • On Pajama Day, Alison Rimas and Natalie Kozhemiakin ’23 pose as they walk to lunch.

  • Lilliana Palmer and Ugo Adiele ’23 chill out on Pajama Day.

  • Kaylee Little ’23, Angeline Nur Dervisevic ’21 and Emma Guevara ’23 enjoy Pajama Day, the first day of Spirit Week.

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Thursday, students represented their favorite sports teams by wearing jerseys and hats.

  • Lilliana Palmer and Emma Guevara ’23 wear matching Red Sox jerseys.

  • Rachel Sobel ’23 poses with her New England Patriots jersey.

  • Hannah Ahearn ’20 sports a Boston Bruins jersey.

  • Ayanna Jefferson ’22 reps Tennessee Titans gear.

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Friday, student and teachers wore as much spirit gear as possible to pump up players spectators for Saturday’s varsity soccer games.

  • Sylvia Tejada and Alison Rimas ’23 wear their Brimmer hoodies.

  • Alice Zhu and Abby Li ’23 show school spirit with Brimmer gear.

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Sevak Glorikan ‘23 plays striker on the Varsity Boys’ Soccer Team.

“As a team, I hope we perform well against our competition, Bradford Christian Academy,” said Glorikian. “I hope we get a lot of support from our fellow classmates this Homecoming. As a Brimmer newcomer, I’ve heard a lot about Homecoming and I’m excited to experience it for the first time.”

Both teams face off against Bradford Christian Academy tomorrow. The girls play at 11:00 a.m., followed by the boys at 1:00 pm.

All members of the community are encouraged to attend the games and show school spirit.