Environmental Club to Host Earth Day Events
Poster by Marlie Kass ’23.
April 21, 2021
This week, the School’s Environmental Club will host two events to address ocean health. The club will also sponsor a local event, which will cover the environmental impacts of a plant-based diet.
On Wednesday, April 21, at 7 p.m., a panel of speakers will discuss ocean health. The panel will include 11th Hour Racing’s CEO and Co-Founder Mark Towill, who also leads their sailing team, Vestas 11th Hour Racing. Professor of Biology at Salve Regina University, Dr. Jameson Chace, an undergraduate from College of the Atlantic, and intern at Allied Whale, Grace Leary, will also be in attendance. The panel will plan to run for one hour, and prior registration is required. Register for the webinar here.
Green Newton will be hosting an event on Thursday, April 22 at 7 p.m. about eating a healthy and plant-based diet and the environmental impacts of different foods. According to their mission statement, Green Newton is a volunteer-driven organization “dedicated to creating an environment in better balance with the natural world by making significant, measurable improvements in the way we use resources.” Sara Sezun, Chair of the Sierra Club’s Massachusetts Chapter, Plant-based Planet Team, will join the conversation. This event is limited to 65 people, so prior registration is encouraged. Register and find more information here.
On Friday, April 23, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., the Environmental Club will be hosting a screening of Chasing Coral, an award-winning film that displays the human impacts on coral. Register for the screening here.