Photos: Week of Sept. 27

  • Zoë Stublarec, who teaches Neuropsychology, instructs her students about dissecting a sheep’s brain.

  • Emma Guevara ’23 and Daniel Murray ’23 lead Tour Guide trainees through a run-through at the beginning of the school year.

  • Members of the AAPI club work on signing the acronym with their hands.

  • The Quiz Bowl Competition club fires off answers to advisor Paul Murray.

  • Emma Goldstone ’22 and Sophie Katz ’22 dissect a sheep brain in Neuropsychology, taught by Zoë Stublarec.

  • Grace Papas ’23 jams out with Bill Jacob during acoustic music club.

  • Head of School Judith Guild chats with trustees and teachers during a special morning gathering.

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From clubs, dissections, to a special coffee truck to teachers, it was a packed end of the month on campus.