Backstage at ‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat’
Edan Zinn, Outgoing Editor-in-Chief| March 7, 2022
Actors prepare to enter the stage.
Conno Wagner ’25 and Jack Molloy ’25 operate the sound board.
Marlie Kass ’23 as the Narrator.
Clara Johnson ’25 puts make-up on Enyi Adiele ’24.
Daniel Murray ’23 as Joseph.
Stage Manager Tahina Trias-Lizama ’22 helps Noah Panto ’25 operate the light board.
Performers hang out backstage.
Ady Jaeckel ’25 helps Lily Goodman ’22 get ready.
The cast performs a dance number.
Bharath Palanisamy ’24 gets ready for the show.
Performers hang out backstage.
Marlie Kass ’23 as the Narrator.
Zakkai Mares-Van Praag ’22 and Sophia Spring ’22 get ready.
Daniel Murray ’23 as Joseph.
Stagehand Ben Dykeman ’25 prepares to help out onstage.
The band begins a number.
The cast gathers before the show.
Daniel Murray ’23 as Joseph.
Last weekend, students performed in the Upper School Musical, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, which opened to rave reviews.

Edan celebrated four years on The Gator's staff. In addition to editing stories, he also took photos for The Gator and was a member of the Creative Arts Diploma Program for Visual Arts. Edan finds photojournalism to be a fun method of artistic storytelling.