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The student news site of Brimmer and May School | Chestnut Hill, MA

The Gator

The student news site of Brimmer and May School | Chestnut Hill, MA

The Gator

Admissions Update

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Chloe: Today the Gator is sitting down with Brian Beal, Director of Enrollment Management here at Brimmer and May, just to talk with him a little about what he does here and his work on the admissions team.

Brian: Hi Chloe, good to see you. I oversee, as Director of Enrollment Management, I oversee admissions pre-k through 12 as well as the financial aid process for the school. I also work as part of the advancement team along with our Director of Development Elizabeth Smith and our Director of Marketing Communications Sue Cuyler.

Chloe:  Nice, and I know that right now is probably a big time for admissions in all the private school worlds and I guess just in all schools in general. How do you manage your time? I know you're a very busy guy with all these admissions and applications and what's the process exactly that you have to go through?

Brian: Yeah, so it is a busy time. Our application deadline was mid-January and our financial aid deadline is the end of January, so we are currently in the process of reviewing all applications pre-k through 12 as well as financial aid applications. It is definitely a delicate balance and a lot of time management required for the 10-week period between January 1 and the time that decisions are released on March 10th.

So, there's a lot of work to do, but this is sort of a fun time where we get to sit down and for the next couple of weeks read files almost all day long and then meet with committees to make decisions.

Chloe: Oh wow, so in addition to you mentioned Ms. Smith and Sue Kyler, do you have a bigger team that helps you with that sort of files and stuff?

Brian:  So the admissions office is comprised of six folks, six members, and we have admissions committees for every grade level and division which are comprised of both members of the admissions department as well as staff and administrators representing all three divisions.

Chloe:  Okay.

Brian: So there's at least generally between three and six eyes on each file and voices that weigh in into decisions.

Chloe: Nice, so it's definitely a select group of people that can fully assess a student. Yeah. So in the admissions process, what's it like? Especially I know, I mean maybe for my grade not too many people applying junior and senior year, but younger grades, I'm sure there's a lot.

Brian:  Yeah, so activity has, we've had a great season this year. We're up about 30 percent in ninth grade inquiries and applications to date. So a lot of activity particularly at the entry level for high school, but there are entry levels at all three grade, at all three division levels, excuse me, with pre-k, k, six, seven, and nine being the largest.

Chloe:  Wow, okay. So, that's a lot to manage and I know Brimmer is a small school, so of course very selective in that. Is there anything specific I guess you could say that you look for in an application from a student?

Brian:  Yeah, so we're really looking to obviously recruit and enroll a talented, diverse, eclectic group of students who are going to represent the school well in all areas, athletics, the arts, on stage, on the fields, etc. While also being mission appropriate and making sure that their own values as a student and values as a family sort of align with ours as a school. That's the fun part of the process is really trying to, you know, create a small community, which is what we're doing both at each grade level as well as each division.

Chloe: Yeah, which I can imagine is such a tough job. I mean, having to look through and just pick a few students every year is crazy.

Brian:  Yeah, it's certainly competitive. The Boston area is full of great schools, so students and families have a number of options. You know, Brimmer being a smaller school in some ways is a real advantage to narrowing down sort of who's appropriate and who wants to be here.

It's a really unique and special place and people are able to sort of figure out whether that's for them or not. There's an overlap with a number in the area. I'm just particularly happy this year to see such great activity.

Chloe: Yeah, I mean, it's amazing just the whole process that goes into applying to a school. Is there anything I guess you could say to people applying in the fall or maybe people visiting advice that you would give to people applying or thinking about applying to Brimmer?

Brian: That's a great question. In terms of those who have already applied, you know, I think at this point you've done all that you can do. You work your, you know, just like college applications.

You do your best and you put your effort into it and you hope for the best when it comes to decisions. It all sort of sorts itself out in the end. I think for people interested in Brimmer and going through the process, be it next fall or in the future, it's really about sort of telling your story, being open and honest, talking about the things that you love to do and your talents and your expertise, but also talking about the things that are challenging for you and not being afraid to or apologetic around things you haven't done or things that are challenges for you. We really want to get to know students, their process, understand what motivates them, what they're passionate about, and what they feel they would bring to our community.

Chloe:  I agree. That's great. Well, thank you so much for meeting with us.

Brian:  You're very welcome, Chloe.

Chloe:  I appreciate it. I know you're a busy man. You have a lot to go through in these next few weeks.

Brian:  It's a full team effort, so I'm fortunate to be surrounded by really great colleagues. Definitely. Thank you so much.


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About the Contributor
Chloe Rose Scolnick
Chloe Rose Scolnick, Multimedia Manager

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