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Newsroom Wins CSPA’s Highest Accolade

Co-Editor-in-Chief Evan Michaeli '23 poses with CSPA Director  Jennifer Bensko Ha and Adviser David Cutler upon receiving the Gold Crown. Illustration created with Canva.
Co-Editor-in-Chief Evan Michaeli ’23 poses with CSPA Director Jennifer Bensko Ha and Adviser David Cutler upon receiving the Gold Crown. Illustration created with Canva.
Elizabeth Michaeli

The newsroom clinched a prestigious Gold Crown at the Columbia Scholastic Press Association’s (CSPA) 100th convention earlier today in New York, marking a pinnacle achievement in high school journalism.

This accolade, which recognizes work done over the previous academic year, cements The Gator’s status among the nation’s top 10 high school digital journalism programs—transcending school type, size, or location. This distinction also comes in the wake of the newsroom being selected as a Crown finalist in December, an honor bestowed upon only 29 other digital publications throughout the United States.

Co-Editor-in-Chief Evan Michaeli ’24, who went up to receive the award, also had an added reason to celebrate.

“Today is my 18th birthday, and I can’t imagine a better present than winning Gold at CSPA,” Michaeli said. “I am so proud of everyone and what we are able to accomplish. We have a great team, and I’m going to miss the newsroom next year.”

During the convention, Michaeli also presented with his adviser, David Cutler, to a packed crowd of students and teachers about how to write award-worthy opinion pieces.

“Unlike larger schools where teachers may solely focus on journalism, offering a variety of courses in writing, editing, photography, and more, here, our students thrive in a more streamlined setup,” Cutler said. “They meet just three times a week for a journalism production class. The sustained success of the newsroom is less attributable to my role as the adviser—also responsible for teaching four history classes—and more a testament to the undeniable talents of our students and the exceptional education they receive here.”

This achievement represents the fifth consecutive Crown award for The Gator, with the publication securing three Silver and two Gold Crowns to date.

Additionally, The Gator is in contention for its second Pacemaker, an equally prestigious accolade awarded by the National Scholastic Press Association at its forthcoming spring convention.

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