As Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump became their party’s respective frontrunners on Super Tuesday, winning seven states each. Earlier this week, The Gator polled underclassman on who they hope see clinch a nomination.
Of 32 respondents, 19 support the Democratic Party, five the Republican Party and eight report as independents. 75 students are enrolled in the freshman and sophomore grades, making this survey representative of just under half of the total underclassmen population.
Had students been eligible to vote in the Democratic primary, 60 percent would have supported Sanders, while 40 percent would have supported Clinton.
On the Republican side, Trump and Bush would have tied at 23 percent, with Rubio, Cruz and Kasich at 15 percent, and Carson coming in last with eight percent.
In a general election, however, respondents greatly favored the Democratic candidates, which accounted for 78 percent of all votes. Of that total, Clinton would receive 44 percent and Sanders 34 percent.
Of the remaining 22 percent, Kasich would receive the most support at nine percent, Rubio and Trump would tie at six percent, and the remaining candidates, Cruz, Bush and Carson, would receive no votes.
From the results, in a general election, a surprising number of students who identified as Republican favored a Democratic candidate. Trump support, even among Republicans, fell far below the 45 percent he generated for a win in the recent Massachusetts primary.
Overall, the School’s political climate seems generally supportive of Democratic candidates, even amongst more conservative members of our community.
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