The community welcomed six new teachers this academic year to the middle and upper schools, and The Gator recently asked several of them about their experiences here thus far.
“Hiring an excellent faculty and staff is one of the most important jobs a Head of School has to do,” Head of School Judith Guild wrote to teachers this summer. “At Brimmer, we use a collaborative approach when hiring teachers and staff, one that involves several teachers, department leaders, and administrators.”
Joshua Neudel, Upper School Head

What are three personality traits that best describe you?
Thoughtful, innovative and caring.
Who is someone you admire and why?
I admire people who are working to make positive changes in the world. I admire them because they are taking risks for the betterment of their communities—and the world. I believe this to be a noble effort.
What has surprised you most about Brimmer so far?
I knew that this was a genuine and caring community, but I have been taken aback by the level of kindness that every member of the community has extended to me and other new people to the School. It truly is a welcoming place that goes above and beyond the usual expectations of kindness.
What drew you to Brimmer?
I was drawn to Brimmer by the close-knit community, innovative academics, and the School’s creativity. I have enjoyed immersing myself in the School and find myself surprised each day by the incredible work happening inside and outside the classrooms.
Francis Fremont-Smith ’75, Co-Director of International Studies, Mandarin

What are three personality traits that best describe you?
Honest, committed and caring.
Who is someone you admire and why?
Bill McKibben, an environmentalist and activist. I have travelled and worked with Bill over the years and was impressed by his passion for making change one step at a time. Bill has not wavered in his writing, in his actions and in how he lives his life to make this world a better place.
What has surprised you most about Brimmer so far?
I am not surprised, but I love seeing the caring and supportive atmosphere around the School, from every sector. It feels like a big family.
What drew you to Brimmer?
I graduated a long time ago from Brimmer after spending eight years here, and it is where I developed my own passion for language and community service. I knew I wanted focus on a life in China, and that is what happened. I am thrilled after so many years to come full-circle and arrive back to my roots.
Christian Kiley, Video Production

What are three personality traits that best describe you?
I am incredibly passionate about making film, which is why teaching filmmaking is so
rewarding for me. I’m the kind of person who will sing, unabashedly, in the car on my way to work. And I’m a dog person. Who has a cat.
Who is someone you admire and why?
Tony Kushner. Angels in America is my favorite work of art!
What has surprised you most about Brimmer so far?
I was shocked and dismayed to learn that not one of my students saw Star Trek: Beyond this summer.
What drew you to Brimmer?
I grew up on the campus of the Fessenden School, went there as a student, and then went to BB&N after that– so I’m no stranger to the private school community. Brimmer has a great reputation, and I feel honored to be welcomed to a campus that values respect, responsibility, kindness and honesty. Not everyone is so lucky!
Mallorie Nai, Assistant Director of Admissions

What are three personality traits that best describe you?
Friendly, motivated, outgoing.
Who is someone you admire and why?
I admire my high school advisor, David Rockwell. He is the reason I work in education.
What has surprised you most about Brimmer so far?
The student body is extremely inclusive and welcoming.
What drew you to Brimmer?
The close knit community and the relationships between faculty, staff, students and families.
Noelia Calderon, Spanish

What are three personality traits that best describe you?
Sincere, empathic and organized.
Who is someone you admire and why?
Vincente Ferrer. He was a Spanish missionary who spent his life working to improve the lives of poor people in India. He founded the Vicente Ferrer Foundation to help millions of people in disadvantaged situations, mainly children. He died in 2009, but his foundation is still active.
What has surprised you most about Brimmer so far?
The maturity and the respect that students show. Also, the importance of technology applied to teaching and the low ratio of students per class.
What drew you to Brimmer?
The Spanish program that Brimmer offers and the great location.
To read Guild’s summer letter introducing all new faculty and staff, click here.