Senate President Makes Videos

Katarina Klacko, Writer

  • Humanities Department Co-Chair Donald Reese captured his cat’s exhaustion.

  • Ella Meranus ’20 baked lots of bread.

  • Anja Westhues’ ’20 homemade flatbread.

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To keep the Upper School community connected during remote learning, Senate President Stephen Moreno Jimenez ’20 started creating weekly videos of activities that students and faculty have done while social distancing.

For the first compilation, Moreno asked the community to send pictures or videos of any projects they had completed over break. The next collection consisted of the community’s pets and their names, and the third video showed edible creations students and faculty made. 

“This will be one of many ways we keep our community close even when we have to be apart,” Moreno said about the initiative.

He also has organized school-wide Kahoot games to keep community members connected. Newly-elected Senate President Kat Klacko ’21 plans to continue with these initiatives. 

“I really hope to continue to bring a sense of community while we are all apart during remote learning,” Klacko said.