Faculty, Staff Provide Health and Wellness Resources

Photo illustration purchased from BigStock.com.

Zakkai Mares-Van Praag, Journalist

During this difficult time, the School is offering virtual resources to help students relieve stress and reinforce healthy habits.

On Canvas, the School’s online learning management system, students have access to a “Health and Wellness” module with offerings ranging from meditation to spin classes.

Director of Library Services Megan Dolan is offering yoga classes, which students can access via videos on Canvas.

Director of the MS/US Library Megan Dolan, who is also a certified Yoga instructor.

“I make one 30-minute slow flow class a week and one 20-minute or so restorative yoga class per week,” Dolan said. “Restorative yoga in particular is helpful with anxiety and stress.”

Dolan thinks that yoga is less about exercise and moving your body, and more about the meditative aspect, which students may find useful during this time period. 

Director of Health Services Beth Escobar echoed Dolan’s thoughts, and she is organizing meditation and mindfulness resources, also available on Canvas.

“I feel as if I’m being bombarded with so much information nowadays via the internet, TV, social media, friends and family, that meditation offers me a space to decompress and recharge myself,” Escobar said. 

Escobar affirmed that as the School Nurse, she is not only there for students’ physical health. “Wellness includes mental health, too,” she said.  

Director of Health Services Beth Escobar.

Escobar recommends that students attempt meditation in multiple different ways to experience all the benefits: she herself has tried walking, sitting, and reclining. 

“We are in the midst of significant changes to our daily lives, and major change of any sort almost always includes stress as a byproduct,” Dolan said. 

Additionally, fitness instructor Max Nicolas is hosting home workouts in the form of instructional YouTube videos to help students stay active without access to fitness centers.

Moreover, Middle School Head Carl Rapisadra-Vallely is hosting a spin class.

Despite the hardships, Escobar wants students to know that there is help and counseling available. She also has an important message to share with the community: “You are not alone!”