Community Supports #BrimmerCares Initiative

Kate Hirschen, Outgoing Culture Editor

  • Lower School students show off their craft hearts.

  • Lower School students show off their craft hearts.

  • Avery Alperin ’21 makes personal protective great.

  • Alumna Stander ’14 poses as she goes into work at Armstrong Ambulance.

  • Mahlon Williams’ P. ’20, ’22 delivers PPE to an area hospital.

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During remote learning, the School launched a new community project, #BrimmerCares, to highlight community members who are fighting COVID-19.

The initiative profiled Tayler Stander ’14, who works as an EMT for Armstrong Ambulance, and how she is coping during this unprecedented time.

“It can be easy to become weighed down with anxiety or fear in the face of truly difficult events,” Stander told the School. “A fact that should ease this fear is the truth that there are many amazing healthcare professionals and essential workers who have remained steadfast in the face of this virus. I am lucky to call these workers my colleagues.”

Six years since graduating, Stander still encounters new challenges—whether responding to a difficult call or learning how to adapt to the pandemic.

“I am incredibly proud of this job, and I am proud of all of those who have stood up to fight,” Stander said.

To help celebrate the effort, Lower School students on April 23 made craft hearts for healthcare workers

The initiative also inspired Mahlon Williams’ P. ’20, ’22, who owns I love Boston Sports, to support first responders by purchasing 1,000 KN95 masks.

Williams’ business also had a t-shirt sale to help donate an additional 3,000 KN95 masks and 6,000 t-shirts to hospitals and nursing homes.

For their part, Avery Alperin ’21 and a Pre-K student created and donate personal protective equipment to several organizations.

“When it became likely that we may not return to school this semester, I asked if our Science Department had supplies that could be donated,” Alperin said. “Amazingly, I was able to deliver 800 gloves to Newton Wellesley Hospital. Then I asked for anyone in our school community to get together ‘virtually’ and make as many masks as possible. We were even able to offer some of the School’s sewing machines for anyone who needed one to be able to make the masks.”

By early May, the two students had created and collected over 100 masks to donate to hospitals.

Another generous Pre-K student celebrated his 5th birthday during the pandemic in an unconventional way. While many his age gravitate toward wanting presents and candy for their birthdays, this student chose to donate 150 N95 masks to Brigham and Women’s Hospital. The community showed their support for Alperin and the Lower School student for sharing these acts of kindness.

Editors’ note: The Gator does not publish the names of Lower School students.