Students Respond to Election Results

Photo by Carter Marks/Royals Media, courtesy of NSPA.

Edan Zinn, Outgoing Editor-in-Chief

Last Saturday, former Vice President Joe Biden was announced the projected winner of the 2020 Presidential race, according to major media outlets. The news has sparked controversy across the country as questions of election integrity are raised.  

While Biden and his Vice-Presidential pick Kamala Harris are moving ahead with his transition into office, incumbent and Republican opposition Donald Trump continues to deny the results of the election. 

Claiming election fraud through ballot dumping and invalid mail-in ballots, Trump prematurely declared himself the winner, saying he would go to the Supreme Court to intervene, despite votes still being counted in key states. 

In predominantly democratic states such as Massachusetts, Biden’s victory is leaving many relieved for an end to the Trump presidency. Students here voiced their opinions on the results. 

Lily Goodman ’22 supported the Biden and Harris Campaign.  

“I supported Joe and Kamala,” Goodman shared. I definitely feel happy that they won, but still realize that there’s more work to do and changing leadership is only the first step.” 

Angeline Nur Dervisevic ’21 echoed Goodman’s thoughts. 

“This election was the first one I was able to vote in and I voted for Joe Biden. I’m beyond happy that he is the president-elect, but I think that everyone needs to hold him accountable on his promises,” Dervisevic said. “I would like to see him work more on the green plan and help patch the U.S. back together from the divide that we’ve faced in the last 4 years.” 

Despite the student body being largely liberal leaning, the Republican and Libertarian wings of the community also shared their thoughts on the election. 

Alex Boch ’21 said he’ll always be a strong proponent of President Trump. 

“I am confident in the people and their participation in this past election cycle, however I do feel strongly that there has been interference and tampering in this current race,” Boch said.  

While supporting the Biden campaign, Audrey Pontiff ’24 worries about his ability to serve. 

“I’m afraid of Biden being a little weak,” Pontiff explained. I feel like the presidency is a job where you have three hours of sleep. He looks like he always needs a nap, so I’m little worried about him dealing with China. But it’s better than Trump, honestly.”

Pontiff called Harris a “corrupt politician,” noting her experience as the District Attorney of San Francisco and Attorney General of the State of California. 

“She has put women in men’s prisons, putting their safety in jeopardy; kept people in prison past their sentence as cheap labor for California; accepted Bishops’ bribes to excuse child sex offenses; and withheld information that could save a man’s life until she was forced to give it,” Pontiff said. “[Harris] is there because she thinks he’ll die in office and she will get her opportunity to be president. Even if he doesn’t, she can run for president when his term is over.”

Many students expressed the emotional toll the election and its surrounding controversies have taken on them. 

“I have mixed opinions on the results of this election. On the one hand, I feel relief, but on the other, there is absolutely still work to be done. At times I feel hopeless, but right now, at the very least, there is some semblance of hope,” Zakkai Mares-Van Praag ’22 said. 

I feel like the election was kind of stupid,” Jack Nathanson ’23 shared. “I mean, Trump was just being annoying the whole time. 

While news outlets have called the race with Biden and Harris on the winning ticket, electors have not officially cast their votes, which is expected to be carried out on December 14.