MS Musical Tackles Performing Theater During Pandemic

Poster design by Ady Jaeckel ’25.

Marlie Kass, Outgoing Arts Editor

Tune in to watch this year’s middle school musical, The Show Must Go On(Line), on May 27 at 7 p.m.

Published by beatbybeat, an online company which creates unique student musicals, the show is centered around what has become a very familiar situation over the past year, according to Director Nick Malakhow.

“At the start of the show, the school musical is canceled due to the pandemic,” Malakhow said. “The students spring into action, communicating through video messages with one another to rehearse and, ultimately, perform their show online.”

Like in the script, the actors and creative team have adapted to new circumstances to keep the Brimmer stage thriving. The show will also be pre-recorded to combat any technological challenges that may arise.

Katherine Knox ’26, a member of the cast, is glad that the show will be prerecorded.

“I like how this means I am able to do multiple takes on the scene so I can get it as close to perfect as possible,” Knox said.

Students involved in the show, such as Stage Manager McKinlee DePaola ’25, have found that working from home has advantages and disadvantages.

“Almost always when working on a stage, you have everything you need to work with, and there are more options to do when it comes to acting and staging,” DePaola said. “On Zoom, you only have your house to work with, which can be challenging at times.”

However, Malakhow said that the actors have all risen to the challenge.

“Everyone is doing such a wonderful job of managing all of the things they need to manage on Zoom—their own music, camera frames, props—that they wouldn’t have to manage for an in-person show,” Malakhow said.

Malakhow is grateful for the Creative Arts Department’s resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I hope everyone is as delighted as I am that there was enough interest in drama for students to populate two whole productions at a time when many other theaters and programs and going into hibernation mode,” Malakhow said.

While being apart may be challenging, the spirit of the actors stays alive and well.

“My favorite part of being in the middle school musical is participating in something that people will get to watch and enjoy in a time when people have limited chances to enjoy themselves,” Ruby Cohen-Weinberg ’25 said.

The Show Must Go On(line) promises to be a super comical, unique, and entertaining addition to the School’s stage.

To tune in on May 27 at 7:00 p.m., use the Zoom Webinar link here, or watch the event stream live on the School’s vimeo channel here. Admission is free of charge.

The cast performs a “costume parade” during a rehearsal. (Nick Malakhow)