‘Captain Fantastic!’ Promises to Live Up to Its Name

Poster art By Amelia Dmytruk

At the end of this week, middle school performers will be taking the stage to share the super-powered story of Captain Fantastic!

“Without giving too much away, Captain Fantastic! is a comedy about a boy whose obsession with comic books begins to have an alternative impact on his life,” director Andrea Underhill-Curtin said. 

Maragret Bourgeois ‘27, who plays the character of Mrs. Mayberry, describes the piece as “a fun and entertaining show full of comic book heroes and just a few villains.”

The cast reports that they have really enjoyed the process of putting on this show. 

“Rehearsals are so much fun,” Bourgeois said. “Everyone is so nice and well cast.”

The team working on the play consists of the onstage performers, the student tech crew which includes two stage managers as well as several faculty members helping out behind-the-scenes. 

“Ms. Carpenter has been at some rehearsals to support crowd control, Mr. Holman has taught music within the play, and Mr. Arndt has been running a Stage Craft Club on Monday afternoons,” Underhill-Curtin said. “I am grateful for the Creative Team as they do all the behind-the-scenes preparations collecting props, costumes pieces, building and painting set work.”

“I think that audiences should come and see this show if the want to come see a funny, lighthearted, and exciting play,” Mia Heymen ‘29, who plays Penelope Mayberry, said. “I think that this play family friendly, so people of all ages with enjoy the show.”

“Audiences can expect to be transported from one world to another, laughing all the way!” Underhill-Curtin said. 

Captain Fantastic! will be performed Thursday at 6:30 and Friday at 5:30.