Guest Column: Mourning Senior Spring

Director of Development Elizabeth Smith pins a boutonnière for James Yfantopulos ’22 before last year’s commencement.

Anja Westhues

In a matter of weeks, the COVID-19 pandemic has completely shaken up our daily routines. This is something the entire nation is struggling with, as President Trump ignored the seriousness of this public health crisis until it was far too late.

Once the administration realized the consequences of his lack of action, aggressive measures had to be taken in an incredibly short period of time, like closing schools, public spaces, and limiting public transportation.

Anja Westhues ’20.

While this pandemic has affected everyone, it has had a notable impact on this year’s senior class. Being a 12th grader myself, I am disappointed about the lack of a true “senior spring” and the fun events that come along with it. I, along with many of my classmates, am worried about the possibility of the cancellation of prom, senior project, and most significantly, graduation.

I do feel somewhat guilty complaining about such trivial things. The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a tragic toll on society in much more significant ways. Thousands are sick and dying, stocks are crashing, and unemployment claims are being filed at exceptionally high rates.

However, at a time when nothing seems to be going right, the lack of such an important high school milestone is all the more disappointing. I have been looking forward to some of these events for years, if not my whole life, and I know that the rest of my class feels the same way.

Many are sad about the cancellation of spring sports, where my classmates would possibly be playing their last competitive season ever. Others are sad about the many performances that will have to be cancelled, such as the CAP exhibition, spring concert, and the student-directed play. These are things that we have watched preceding seniors get to enjoy and bid a bittersweet goodbye, and now they have been prematurely taken from us.

I am appreciative that the School is working so hard to provide us with a sense of regularity and normalcy this spring, but it still does not take away from the disappointment I feel about losing such an important milestone in my life.

Nevertheless, it is important that we continue to distance ourselves from one another and try to minimize the impact of COVID-19. For the time being, I will be taking virtual classes on Zoom, spending valuable time with my family, and going on daily runs (making sure I maintain a six foot distance from others).