Editorial: Community Members Mask Up for School
September 17, 2020

As the School began its phased reopening last week, students started returning to campus by grade with strict social distancing protocols in place. The extensive reopening plan encompassed a variety of learning scenarios ranging from on-campus learning to at-home, concurrent learning.
When the School started preparations for each of these approaches months ago, careful preparations were put in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19 on campus, assuming students would return. By starting the year with a hybrid approach, purchasing desks to maintain a six-foot distance, and installing hand-washing stations to prevent the spread of germs, many steps were taken to ensure safety for all community members on campus.
Along with these measures, students and faculty are required to wear face coverings while on-campus. With school in session from 9:10 a.m.-3:50 p.m. for the Upper School, students and faculty are wearing masks for the majority of the day—with the exception of mask breaks and lunch at an additional distance.
As people across the School transition to the new norm, many students and faculty members from all divisions have set a wonderful example for each other by keeping a safe distance and wearing face coverings consistently throughout their day.
This is a hard time for all people returning to campus, and the best way to keep everyone safe is by watching out for each other. The new safety protocols help to ensure the campus is as safe as possible. By following those guidelines, we are doing everything possible to keep safe and healthy.
This is not the return to school many of us hoped for, but the best way for us show our appreciation for the hard work countless members of our community put in to allow us the opportunity to return to campus is by keeping our distance, covering our faces, and washing our hands as much as possible.
To all members of the community—students, faculty, and parents alike—who are taking these measures to keep each other safe, we thank you for protecting our community.