The Show Must Go On(Line)

Michelle Xu

Poster by Michelle Xu ’21.

Marlie Kass, Outgoing Arts Editor

After the success of the fall play, The Election, the School is venturing into the world of digital theater yet again. 

This year, the musical will be groundbreaking for two reasons. Not only is it the School’s first virtual musical, but it will also be the premiere of Is It Over Yet?, an original show created by Creative Arts Department Chair Bill Jacob and Middle and Upper School Music Teacher Max Holman.

Is It Over Yet? follows a group of teenagers as they navigate the pandemic. Temptations and relationships create roadblocks, as well as a mysterious game show that offers great prizes at an even greater cost. It is a hilarious, hopeful story, showing that when the going gets tough, the help and care of others can get you through it. 

Working on a new musical has seen more complications than in years past, but the cast and crew are rising to the occasion.

Daniel Murray ’23 shared that helping to tweak aspects to the show has helped the cast prepare for an online performance.

“The script is much more malleable and can be shaped to whatever we need it to be,” Murray said.

Similar to the fall play, the musical will be held over Zoom, with actors performing scenes and solos live while animations and pre-recorded clips play when needed.

Holman, who wrote the music for the show, shared how preparing for the musical has changed due to the pandemic.

“One of the greatest challenges about working on a digital musical is losing the energy you would get from being in the same space as your collaborators,” Holman said. “Despite this, it has been exciting to perform a new work in a new medium, and it’s been a privilege to create something so topical and unique with this amazing cast.”

Zakkai Mares-Van Praag ‘22 echoed Holman’s thoughts.

“Mr. Jacob and Mr. Holman have done a great job and given everyone a chance to shine,” Mares-Van Praag said. “It’s a genuinely funny and realistic show, and everyone should absolutely come and see it!” 

You can attend the show by clicking here.